Sri Lankastore
Monkey Bar Store Climbing Frame Monkey Bars - the NINJA PLUS (BLUE)
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Monkey Bar Store Climbing Frame Monkey Bars - the NINJA PLUS (BLUE)

Product ID: 446895750
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🐒🌴 MONKEY BAR STORE 🌴🐒Welcome to the MONKEY BAR STORE where we provide families with high quality monkey bar frames that will last and grow with the family. We are not the est on the market but our aim was to provide frames that can endure the harshest of weather, and extreme play by children and adults.THE NINJA PLUS+ is like THE NINJA frame but we have managed to include a competition standard salmon ladder with the same dimensions as a proper ninja warrior course. This is the ultimate test of strength and a great addition to our range. KEY FEATURES:🔹3.0m long x 0.9m wide monkey ladder with 8 rungs. The height is easily adjustable up to 2.5m high, providing a future-proof frame as the family grows taller! 🔹 Crooked monkey ladder rising to a height of 3.0m. 🔹 Wooden Salmon Ladder designed to precise ninja warrior dimensions. Made with structural timber and coated with a durable black coating. 🔹 Salmon ladder pole made with lightweight aluminium. Pole also comes with a counterweight pulley system for safety. 🔹 Ninja strength grips obstacle 🔹 Hanging rings obstacle 🔹 Commercial grade rubber Swing with galvanised steel chains. 🔹 Trapeze bar with powder coated steel chains. INCLUDED:🔹 Monkey Bar Frame🔹 Steel Anchor Pegs (2 Per Base Plate).🔹 Assembly Instructions.🔹 All Tools Required To Assemble (Including, Hand Tools, Measuring Tape, Spirit Level, Pen Etc.)👇 OUR OTHER MONKEY BARS FOR 👇 🌴 the MONKEY🌴 the SLOTH🌴 the ATHLETE🌴 the TIGER🌴 the RHINO🌴 the GORILLA🌴 the JUNGLE🌴 the JUNGLE PLUS+🌴 the SILVERBACK🌴 the NINJA🌴 the NINJA PLUS+

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Anjali K.

The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

1 month ago

Neha S.

Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

2 weeks ago

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TrustScore 4.5 | 7,300+ reviews

Anita G.

Good experience, but the tracking updates could be better.

2 months ago

Anjali K.

The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

1 month ago