Sri Lankastore
Hunza Organic Adzuki Beans (5 lbs)
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Hunza Organic Adzuki Beans (5 lbs)

Product ID: 37870099
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Hunza Organic Adzuki Beans (5 lbs)Revered as the "weight loss bean" for its high protein and relatively low calorie and fat content, the Adzuki Bean is reddish with white ridges on its edge.Popular in Chinese, Himalayan, and other Asian cuisine, Adzuki Beans feature a nutty flavor that is often enjoyed in bean paste, Japan's Festival Rice, and even ice cream. These Adzuki Beans are certified USDA Organic. They are also non-GMO with no additives or preservatives. Called "Vignaangularis" in China, Adzuki beans pack a powerful punch of magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese and B vitamins. Known in traditional Chinese medicine for their healing properties, Adzuki Beans are said to impart strength as the most "yang," or warming, of all beans. Along with lentils and chickpeas, Adzuki Beans are also a staple of the macrobiotic diet, which calls for the consumption of plenty of fibrous, protein-packed legumes. As an added bonus, Adzuki Beans are relatively easy to digest, and therefore apt to produce less gas than other beans do. Save money when ordering these beans in larger quantities by purchasing 5 lbs or more!Interested in trying these delicious Adzuki Beans?Click "Add to Cart" and soon you will be able to savor healthy legumes!

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Perfect platform for hard-to-find items. Delivery was prompt.

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The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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