1.1 Ounces (or 31 Grams, if you will) of the most delicious Piña Colada Lollipops you will ever taste. It’s like getting caught in the rain, not being into yoga, having half a brain, making lov… #JimmyBuffet. This Piña Colada doesn’t have quite the kick that Jimmy’s does, but will last an hour, unlike that $13.95 beverage you just bought. Like its namesake, enjoying one of these suckers on a Caribbean beach is highly recommended (Warning: Do not drop either in the sand). Original Gourmet’s patented Gravity-Pouring process (Yes, it turns out you can patent things like that) ensures every sucker lives up to its Gourmet name. We welcome any and all feedback through any of our social media or at: info@ogfc.net
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