Sri Lankastore
Main Street Forge Bifold Leather Wallet For Men | Made in USA | Mens Bifold Wallets | American Made | Avalanche Gray
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Main Street Forge Bifold Leather Wallet For Men | Made in USA | Mens Bifold Wallets | American Made | Avalanche Gray

Product ID: 122361428
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PROUDLY HANDMADE BY AMERICAN CRAFTSMEN FROM FULL GRAIN LEATHER! American made with American Pride! We don’t cut corners. No chemical bonded fake leather here, no mass production in China. Our skilled craftsman use only the finest American leather to make handcrafted masterpieces for you and they do it here in the USA! BACKED BY MAIN STREET FORGE’S LIFETIME WARRANTY! Upgrade today with no risk. We proudly stand behind each and every product that we sell. You will soon realize that this wallet is one of the best bifold wallets for men available! You will love your new wallet from Main Street Forge or your money back! TIMELESS BIFOLD DESIGN AND AMERICAN CRAFTSMANSHIP! Each piece of leather is hand selected and sewn to offer a beautiful and uniquely distinct wallet. The six pocket bifold design allows for an ample amount of storage for all your credit cards and a billfold with space for all of your cash. SO COMFORTABLE YOU WILL THROW YOUR OLD WALLET AWAY! Slim enough to be worn in either your front or back pocket comfortably! Your imported department store wallet just can’t measure up. Once you feel the difference, The Main Street Forge difference, you will only wish you had made the switch sooner! A TIMELESS CLASSIC THAT IS TRULY EYE CANDY! Your wallet will break in to you, just like your favorite pair of jeans. Scratches, scuffs and other minor imperfections add to the unique character and patina only you can develop to make every Main Street Forge wallet a one of a kind piece of art. Main Street Forge Bifold Leather Wallet for Men  Don’t settle for anything less than the best! This fashionable wallet is great for any occasion. Its brute strength can hold up to extreme daily use and any other situation you can throw at it. If you compare us to our competition, you will see that the average department store wallet just doesn’t measure up. The Main Street Forge Bifold Wallet won’t fall apart and disintegrate quickly like the bonded wallets that are everywhere. We provide a Lifetime Warranty because we truly believe this is the best wallet available and we stand behind each and every one we sell. This Bifold Leather Wallet by Main Street Forge is made from the strongest and most durable type of leather you can get, full grain leather. This one-piece thick hunk of American Leather is unlike any wallet you have ever tried. Your wallet will begin to show wear as is breaks in to you, just like your favorite pair of jeans. Your wallet will quickly develop a distressed looking patina that is exclusive to your specific wallet. Scratches, scuffs and other minor imperfections only add to the character of your wallet and should not be seen as a defect. If you are looking to get a wallet that can replace all of your other wallets and look darn good doing it then pick up The Bi-Fold Wallet by Main Street Forge! Main Street Forge – We still make ‘em like they used to!

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Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

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Ali H.

Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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