Sri Lankastore
Fisher-Price Baby Girl's and Boy's Jumperoo
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Fisher-Price Baby Girl's and Boy's Jumperoo

Product ID: 87617393
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Your baby will love monkeying around in this Jumperoo entertainer and exploring all its fun activities A rotating seat gives little ones 360-degree access to toys, activities and animal friends, including spinners, clackers, a bead bar, a mirror, and so much more. Tiny explorers will love discovering all the fun while music, lights, and sounds reward every jump. Where development comes into play Gross Motor: Jumping, balancing on those tiny toes, and reaching for all the toys & activities helps get your baby's gross motor skills going and growing Sensory: Bright colors, lights, and a variety of sounds and textures help stimulate your baby's visual, auditory and tactile senses. Curiosity: There's so much for your little explorer to discover—from the animal pals "flying" above to their own sweet face in the mirror below Use only with a child who can hold head up unassisted and who is not able to walk or climb out of product.

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The delivery time was excellent, and the packaging was secure.

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Very reliable shop with genuine products. Will definitely buy again!

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