Three animated versions of Dr Seuss favourites. In 'The Butter Battle Book' (1989), the Zook and the Yooks are at war. The Zooks argue that the bread should be buttered side up, while the Yooks insist it should be buttered side down. 'Daisy Head Mayzie' (1995), narrated by the Cat in the Hat, tells the story of young Mayzie McGrew who wakes up one morning to discover that a daisy has spouted from the top of her head. At first her classmates tease her - but they change their views when Mayzie becomes a celebrity. In 'Horton Hatches the Egg' (1942) Lazybird Maisie is tired of sitting on her egg, and she manages to persuade the faithful Horton, an elephant with a jumbo-sized heart, to do the job for her. Synopsis -------- Contains three Dr. Seuss favorites - Horton Hatches the Egg, The ButterBattle Book, and Daisy Head Mayzie. A must-have for Seuss fans of all ages! --This text refers to the DVD ( /dp/B0001EYSYO/ref=dp_bookdescription?_encoding=UTF8&n=573398 ) edition.