Sri Lankastore
GanEn Infant Cushion Newborn Baby Support Cushion Compatible with Car Seat Stroller High Chair etc; 3D Mesh Breathable Insert Liner(Grey)
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GanEn Infant Cushion Newborn Baby Support Cushion Compatible with Car Seat Stroller High Chair etc; 3D Mesh Breathable Insert Liner(Grey)

Product ID: 81809634
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Product description Description:Brief introduction: This is the universal cushion for the comfort of babies. Especially designed to give optimum comfort to newborns, it fits most of type of baby rockers, swings and strollers and baby seats. Plus, it is made of a very soft breathable and fire retarding fabric for a perfect ventilation. Different density foams to ensure comfort and correct position of the baby. Detachable headrest and adjustable height offer more flexibility to use. Package: Baby Cushion*1 FAQ:Question: Can I use it for a baby 5 months old? Answer: It depends on baby’s size, the baby comfort cushion is ideal for newborns and preemies. Question: Is the baby comfort cushion machine washable? Answer: Yes, it is machine washable, very convenient. Question: Where can I use the baby cushion? Answer: The baby comfort cushion fits most of type of baby rocker, stroller, baby seats and high chair. Legal Disclaimer ONLY use with infant seated with harness system in place. Do not allow this item or any other product to interfere with proper functioning of car seat or stroller restraint systems.

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Suresh K.

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The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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