Sri Lankastore
Statesman TiesIndia Tie 100% Woven Silk
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Statesman TiesIndia Tie 100% Woven Silk

Product ID: 80760540
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FEEL THE POWER AROUND YOUR NECK! A premium, attractive, and unique tie can do wonders for your confidence as you dress to impress. The added amount of compliments alone is enough to reassure you that wearing a Statesman tie is like giving yourself the ultimate confidence booster…Especially when you need confidence the most. - A Job Interview - An Important Sales Meeting - Negotiating a Contract - A Special Lunch Date OUR STORY BEHIND THE TIES After spending two years in Ukraine, I received an amazing gift from a special friend I had met there. It was a necktie with the same colors as the Ukraine flag. I was so grateful for this very thoughtful gift, because whenever I wore it I would remember the great times I had in Ukraine and the people I had met. It was a tie that meant something special to me. From there came the idea of my company, Statesman Ties…Ties that are fashionable and meaningful. ORDER YOUR STATESMAN TIE TODAY! Give yourself the opportunity to achieve greatness and be memorable! Order your 3.5" wide Statesman power tie today, before we run out of stock. Our premium neckties sell out fast. Add your elegant necktie to your cart, and consider getting one for your best friend!

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Vikram D.

The MOLLE sheath is of exceptional quality. Very happy with my purchase.

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Yusuf A.

Fantastic experience overall. Will recommend to friends and family.

1 month ago

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The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

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