Sri Lankastore
Riverruns UV Streamer Fiber Dubbing Brush, Flash Blend, Micro Leg Combo Pack Super Realistic Fly Tying Materials Proudly Made in Europe
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Riverruns UV Streamer Fiber Dubbing Brush, Flash Blend, Micro Leg Combo Pack Super Realistic Fly Tying Materials Proudly Made in Europe

Product ID: 74460710
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Proudly from Europe 3-D Streamer Fibers Great for imitating small or large baitfish and their natural color changes when their predators attack them. These fibers do not absorb water. Great to use for steelhead, salmon and pike flies. 12 colors, white, cream, sliver gray, yellow black, brown, dark brown, dark olive, olive, light olive, blue sky, polar white. 3-D Streamer Fiber Flash Bend UV. Mixed with angel hair, length is 6inch (15 cm). A unique fiber blend that allows for tapered look by pulling and breaking of the Streamer flash bend Fiber. Streamer flash bend fiber is suitable for streamers in both big and small sizes, freshwater and the saltwater. Special UV integration, amazing florescent effects in dark, deadly attracting for fish.12 colors, tan, light brown, natural, red, orange, green, black, blue, olive, pink, brown, light yellow. 3-D Streamer Fiber- Predator 16 inch (40 cm) long synthetic material, specially formulated. It is translucent and tough. Flies made from our fibers will withstand the challenge of bringing fish after fish to the transom. Because this material sheds water on the back cast, even large flies are light to cast. 12 colors, dark brown, dark olive, yellow, white, gold tan, polar white, black, blue ocean, pink, blue sky, green, orange.

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Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

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The MOLLE sheath is of exceptional quality. Very happy with my purchase.

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