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Mattel Games Tumblin' Monkeys Kids Game with Monkey Game Pieces, Sticks and Game Unit, Easy-to-Learn, For 5 Year Olds and Up
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Mattel Games Tumblin' Monkeys Kids Game with Monkey Game Pieces, Sticks and Game Unit, Easy-to-Learn, For 5 Year Olds and Up

Product ID: 6969964
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Product Description This game of skill and touch is so easy to learn and fun to play that kids will go ape for it! The object is to not let any monkeys fall down the tree during your turn. Create a web of colored sticks across the tree and place the monkeys inside the tree. Then roll the die and take turns removing one stick at a timewhichever color stick the die indicates. The youngest player starts the game. If all the sticks of one color have been removed and you roll that color, you’re the lucky oneyou get to skip that turn! Be careful because one false move will cause monkeys to go tumbling and then you have to add them to your pile! The player to drop the fewest monkeys wins! As no reading is required to play, the Tumblin' Monkeys Game is perfect for younger kids. Game comes with 1 bright yellow, translucent plastic palm tree so you can see the monkeys wriggle as you try to catch their curly tails on plastic sticks. Also included are 30 monkeys, 30 multiple colored sticks, and a special die. For 2 to 4 players. From the Manufacturer A classic game of skill and action that's easy to learn and fun to play! Players place the monkeys in the tree and move the sticks according to the colored die. The player who collects the fewest number of monkeys, wins! No reading is required, so it's perfect for younger kids. Comes with a tree, 30 monkeys, 30 sticks in three colors and special die. For two to four players

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