Composted cow manure, 1 pound. Composted cow manure offers several valuable features that make it an excellent soil amendment for gardening and farming. First, it is rich in essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as secondary nutrients and trace minerals that promote healthy plant growth and improve overall soil fertility. Second, it enhances soil structure by increasing aeration and water retention. This is particularly beneficial for heavy clay soils, as it helps to loosen them, while also improving drainage in sandy soils. Third, the organic matter in composted manure fosters a healthy ecosystem of beneficial bacteria and fungi that aid in nutrient cycling and organic matter decomposition. Fourth, composted cow manure helps reduce soil erosion by binding soil particles together, creating a more stable soil structure that resists the forces of wind and water. These combined features make composted cow manure an environmentally friendly and sustainable option for improving soil health and boosting plant vitality.