Change your world with a splash of color Colors have the ability to affect our emotions as few other things can. With Lucky Feather Color Power Chakra Necklaces, you can harness the power of colors to communicate your mood and even evoke reactions in other people. Each color reflects a type of vibration or frequency which radiates through the Chakra. Based on the yogic traditiona, these simple yet inspirational faceted teardrop stone necklaces soothe your frazzled nerves, empower you to take action and bring healing energy when you most need it. They also elicit trust and cast you in an influential light. Impactful necklaces you can't look away from Each girls' necklace features a faceted teardrop shaped stone on a 16" cord. Choose the color that complements your personality; or collect them all and wear them according to the response you're hoping to elicit from others. Simple and chic, Lucky Feather Color Power Necklaces are ideal for everyday wear with jeans and t-shirt or during a yoga class or meditation session. With your calm demeanor and air of self-confidence, you'll inspire others to view you through a whole new filter. Be a rainbow in someone's life Lucky Feather Color Power Inspirational Jewelry for teen girls and women open doors to honest communication, positive energy and exciting collaborations. Each necklace includes a descriptive card that indicates the properties of its corresponding Chakra color so you can wear the necklace for maximum impact. These lovely necklaces make thoughtful gifts for girls and adult women. Tap into the power of color for greater happiness and success. Add the Lucky Feather Color Power Chakra Necklace to your cart today.