Looking for something special to help celebrate an upcoming occasion? This might be just what you're looking for. Wafer paper (rice paper) is a great way to add color and detail to cookies, cakes and cake pops, brownies and other treats. Is can easily be applied to fondant, royal icing or cookie icing for a custom look. These images are printed with edible ink (food coloring), designed specifically for food products. They can also be applied to other treats such as rice crispy treats, brownies etc. If you are looking for an edible paper to apply to buttercream icing or other soft icings, you may want to consider icing sheets rather than wafer paper. Icing sheets will blend with the texture and flavor of buttercream. Wafer paper however works better on firm icings such as fondant, royal icing or cookie icing. It will NOT dissolve into a soft icing. It does however work well if placed uptight on buttercream because it will not dissolve. Wafer paper is a thin, slightly translucent edible paper that has a slightly softer more muted look than edible icing sheets. If looking for a very brightly colored image with fine detail such as a photograph, an edible icing sheet might be a better option for the best results. Wafer paper however is a great, less expensive option for many projects. When applied to a cookie or treat with a white background, the image will appear more vivid than it appears on the paper prior to application. It is not recommended to apply wafer paper or icing sheets to a darkly colored icing. As the image begins to melt into the icing, the food coloring in the icing will soak through the edible paper and distort the image. Please note that rice paper is slightly transparent and this makes the image stand out better against lighter colored backgrounds - the image stands out best on white backgrounds so when placed onto your white icing, the colors become stronger and more vibrant.