Review ------ "Coffee may not be rocket science, but despite the title, even a quick spin through this highly detailed volume suggests it might come close.... A coffee lover is sure to find plenty that's useful in this illustrated book, which is mostly about making the beverage properly."―The New York Times Read more ( javascript:void(0) ) About the Author ---------------- Chung-Leng Tran is a photographer turned barista. He won the France Brewers Cup in 2012. He likes an Ethiopian or Kenyan pour-over coffee in the morning and an espresso after lunch. He lives in Paris. Sebastien Racineux is an engineering professor and barista. He founded the brewing technology "Espressologie." He has won many coffee competitions including the 2012 and 2014 Brewers Cup. He likes his Ethiopian coffee mid-morning. With Chung-Leng Tran he recently opened L'Hexagone Cafe in Paris, where he also lives. Yannis Varoutsikos is an illustrator and graphic designer. He is artistic director at Woll Beer and founder of the website Good Manners, which sells bags and accessories for men. His favorite coffee is a cafe burundi with his grandmother. He lives in France. @chunglengtran Read more ( javascript:void(0) )