Sri Lankastore
DPS Single phase to 3 phase converter, suitable for 7.5HP (5.5kW) motor, 23 amps, input/output (200v-240v), MY-PS-10
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DPS Single phase to 3 phase converter, suitable for 7.5HP (5.5kW) motor, 23 amps, input/output (200v-240v), MY-PS-10

Product ID: 590637984
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Before purchasing a DPS, be sure to check that the DPS model is compatible with your motor specifications. 1) DPS must be appropriately selected and used according to the motor specifications. Check the motor’s rated current (A), horsepower (HP), and voltage (V) and select the DPS model. 2) MY-PS-10 model should be used on 200V-240V 7.5HP 23amps 3-phase motor. If used on a motor with a horsepower lower than 7.5HP(for example 5HP, 3HP, 2HP motor), the motor may generate heat, make noise, and cause problems with motor operation. 3) DPS must be used for only one motor. One DPS should never be used on multiple motors. 4) DPS can make 200V-240V 3-phase from 200V-240V single-phase. 5) The voltage of the motor must be set to 200V-240V(Delta wiring-Low voltage). 6) The efficiency is around 90% when using a DPS model that meets the motor specifications. 7) The thickness of wires should be suitable for motor rated current. 8) DPS does not operate on 3-phase motor installed with 3-phase brake. 9) DPS creates induced three phases by running a motor. Therefore, three phases can be measured at the DPS output when the motor is running. If the motor is not running, you cannot measure any three phases at the DPS output. 10) If a magnet contactor is connected to the motor and DPS, you must connect two control wires which are from the magnetic contactor to 'U' and 'W' of the DPS output. If the motor does not work even though the power is turned on after connecting the DPS and the motor, please switch the wires positions of “U”, “V”, and “W” for DPS’s output at least 3 times. If the motor operates in reverse rotation and the positions of the 'U' and 'W' wires of the DPS output are swapped, the motor operates in forward rotation 11) If your machine has a magnetic contactor, it must be 220V only. DPS cannot work for a 380V or 440V magnetic contactor. 12) When the motor initially starts and there is not much load on the motor, the current on the 'U' and 'W' phases of the DPS output may become imbalanced. However, when more than 50% load is applied to the motor, the 'U' and 'W' current values are balanced. The 'V' phase is approximately equal to the motor's rated current value. 13) If the current is imbalanced even when the load on the motor is more than 50%, check whether the DPS model settings are correct. DPS has an available model depending on the specifications of each motor. If you use a DPS higher than the motor specifications, the motor may generate heat or noise. Also, please check whether the motor is overloaded. DPS efficiency is around 90%. In general, the three phases supplied by power companies and the three phases produced by DPS are different. This is because DPS converts from single-phase to three-phase. Therefore, please use a motor with an efficiency of 90% or less.

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The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

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