Sri Lankastore
MENO COOL Scarf Cooling Gel Neck WRAP Cream & Black Spots - Reusable, Natural & Non Toxic - Menopause HOT Flush
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MENO COOL Scarf Cooling Gel Neck WRAP Cream & Black Spots - Reusable, Natural & Non Toxic - Menopause HOT Flush

Product ID: 57063812
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Scarf Specifications: Fabric: 100% Cotton Colours: Assorted Size: 4.5cm (W) x 97 cm (L) Crystal mid section size: 5.5cm (W) x 39 cm (L) How Does the Meno Cool Scarf Work? Non toxic polyacrylamide granules or crystals are concealed in the mid section of your cotton neck scarf. Polyacrylamide is a super-absorbent, nontoxic polymer that was developed to retain water and holds up to 400 times its original weight in water. When the scarf is soaked in water, the granules absorb the water, expand, and turn into a crystalline gel. The cotton fabric absorbs water from the gel and the water evaporates for a cooling effect. Scarves stay cool and moist for hours due to the polyacrylamide's water-retaining properties. NB Cooling times are estimates and will vary according to climate, metabolism etc Why Does the Meno Cool Scarf Work? The carotid arteries in the neck area are the most important in terms of cooling the body quickly. The scarf is designed to cool the blood flowing to the brain at the back of the neck via the carotid arteries & the major vascular network. When worn the retained water evaporates and draws away body heat creating a cooling effect. It can help reduce your body temperature up to 30 times faster.

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