Sri Lankastore
The 76ers with Iverson: Reliving the Ride
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The 76ers with Iverson: Reliving the Ride

Product ID: 56071160
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As one of the greatest players to ever play the game, Allen Iverson was a thrill to watch. An electrifying mix of speed, heart, and competitive drive, to say Iverson was exciting is an understatement. The offensive spark on a defensive-minded team, Iverson and the 76ers went on to unite a city, a nation, and ultimately, the entire sport of basketball with their attitude and hustle-laden game. Told from the point of view of a teenager caught up in the moment, this exciting novel relives the thrilling and unforgettable 2000-01 season that led to a David versus Goliath matchup against the Lakers that still has sports fans talking over a decade later. It takes readers back to the pinnacle of the Allen Iverson era through the eyes of an eager ninth grader who closely follows the team. While trying to convince his friends and family that the Sixers are worth watching, the narrator highlights all of the wonderful and timeless aspects of one of the most memorable teams in Philadelphia sports history. Recapping the construction of the team and every 2001 playoff game -- with 48 pictures scattered throughout -- along with frequent discussions and sports radio conversations, the book makes readers feel like they're reliving the season all over again. With its easy style and common fan approach, The 76ers with Iverson highlights the growing connection between the team and the city and the emergence of the team as a part of the fans' lives. Incorporating all the emotions, thoughts, and observations of a normal fan, the author forgoes the traditional sportswriter approach and keeps the topic on an intimate level. Appreciation, admiration, and excitement abound in this wonderful piece of nostalgia, perfectly illustrating how one scrappy team could captivate an entire nation and all of our hearts. **This is the version with black & white pictures. The color version can be found under the "formats" tab for $34.99. The kindle version is available for $4.99.

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