Sri Lankastore
Cheffun Magnetic Drawing Doodle Board for Kids - 12" x 12" Magnetic Board Drawing Pad for Kids and Toddlers, Magnetic Toys Drawing Board for Toddlers, Montessori Educational Preschool Toy for 3+
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Cheffun Magnetic Drawing Doodle Board for Kids - 12" x 12" Magnetic Board Drawing Pad for Kids and Toddlers, Magnetic Toys Drawing Board for Toddlers, Montessori Educational Preschool Toy for 3+

Product ID: 558284682
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Looking for a fun and educational toy for your little ones? Look no further than our magnetic drawing board for kids and toddlers! This magna doodle is perfect for kids ages 1-3, providing hours of creative and engaging play with its magnetic dot art and drawing board capabilities. The attached string ensures the magnetic pen won't get lost, making it a safe choice for toddlers. But this magnetic drawing board isn't just for toddlers - kids ages 4-8 will love it too! Its large magnetic drawing pad and high-quality materials make it the perfect etch a sketch for kids who love to draw and create. Plus, its lightweight and portable design means you can take it anywhere - use it as a drawing table for toddlers at home or bring it along on long car rides or plane trips. Looking for a magna doodle for toddlers that's both fun and educational? Look no further than our magnetic doodle board! Whether your child is just learning to draw or is already a seasoned artist, this magnetic drawing board is sure to provide endless hours of entertainment and creativity. So why wait? Invest in our magnetic drawing board for kids and toddlers today and watch their imaginations soar!

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