Luxury box 22 Tubes 40 ml extra-fine oil Sennelier This luxury gift box in wood has a handle in leather of high quality. The extra fine oil colour Sennelier to compose are especially designed to give you a palette with different shades and complementary. Choose the oil extra-fine Sennelier is to make the tradition of a painting developed by its creator Gustave Sennelier to meet the demands of the great painters of the 19th century. Never seen, this oil painting has completed the course of innovation with never losing its authentic character and appreciated by professional artists. This set contains 22 extra fine tube 40 ml, 1 bottle of essence of turpentine (75 ml), 1 bottle of gloss varnish for paintings 75 ml, 1 wooden palette, 1 painting knife, 1 range 351 brush No. 10, 1 x No. 8 350, range of charcoal, 1 embroided Sennelier cloth, 1 metal double bucket, 1 Colour chart print.