Organix Mantra Black Seed Red Onion Hair Oil may help boost hair growth, adds volume and sheen to the hair strands. Regular application of Red Onion oil is known to be beneficial for scalp and hair health. Red onions are an excellent source of the minerals such as sulfur and potassium that are much needed to stimulate hair growth and reduce hair fall. The carrier oils keep scalp and hair strands healthy and well moisturized. The oil can be used for all hair types- frizzy, oily and dry. It helps smooth the frizz, softens the hair, prevents dandruff and keeps the scalp well nourished to prevent scalp irritation, itching and flaking. Presence of Neem Oil is known to prevent the formation of nits and keeps lice at bay.To sum up, regular application of the oil is known to repair, revitalize and rejuvenate the hair cells, scalps and the hair strands