Sri Lankastore
ReliOn Ultra Thin Lancets 30 Gauge, Designed to be Comfortably Used Even for Sensitive Fingers + Includes Venancio’sFridge Sticker (200 count - Pack of 1)
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ReliOn Ultra Thin Lancets 30 Gauge, Designed to be Comfortably Used Even for Sensitive Fingers + Includes Venancio’sFridge Sticker (200 count - Pack of 1)

Product ID: 524852466
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Take charge of your health by always having supplies of ReliOn ultra-thin lancets (30 gauge) on hand. ReliOn Ultra Thin Lancets: For better diabetes monitoring, these thin lancet needles (30 gauge) are great for those with sensitive fingers. Perform monitoring through digital puncture to check and test blood glucose. Relion understands the need for blood glucose monitoring whether you are diabetic or not, ideal for sensitive fingers. These lansets make blood testing easier and more comfortable with their sleek construction and ultra-thin design. Each lancet is 30 gauge and can be used in alternate sites to minimize pain while maintaining sterility, whether you are testing on the fingertip, palm, forearm, upper arm or more. Compatible with most lancing devices (sold separately), ReliOn lancets ultra-thin come in a pack to provide you with an ample supply and always have one on hand when you need it. Take care of yourself and look a different view of diabetes management: make checking your blood sugar easy with ReliOn's ultra-thin lancets. Reli On understands all the ways diabetes affects your life and provides diabetic supplies affordable reliable and total lifestyle support to help you manage your diabetes.

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Meera L.

Smooth transaction and product arrived in perfect condition.

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Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

5 days ago

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