Sri Lankastore
Dechoker Choking Rescue Device for Adults Ages 12 Years and up
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Dechoker Choking Rescue Device for Adults Ages 12 Years and up

Product ID: 515682547
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The Dechoker is a life-saving device that can be used for choking first aid on anyone 12 months or older, regardless of illness, disorder or other health-related condition. Requiring minimal training, it can be safely administered and comes with easy step-by-step guidelines for use. Choking incidents are the cause of over 100,000 visits to the Emergency Room each year. Whether you are a mother, father or grandparent, the Dechoker offers everyday preparedness.The DeCHOKER is the most effective way to help a child or adult during a choking emergency. Tilt the victim’s head back to get optimal access to the airway. Insert the tube into the mouth and place it over the tongue as a guide. The respirator track will cover the nose and mouth, creating a seal. Hold it between your thumb and fingers, and apply light pressure while pulling the plunger out with force. If the victim is still choking, repeat the process and do multiple pumps to create additional suction. To ensure no further debris is dislodged in the mouth, the victim can be rolled over to help pass additional material through the mouth. The DeChoker is designed for single use only in public or business spaces. This choking rescue device gives you peace of mind knowing you're always prepared and your loved ones are protected. Because every second counts!

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Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

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