Sri Lankastore
Doctor JupiterDIY STEM Projects for Kids Age 8-10-12 Years| Engineering Toys and Building Kits for 8,9,10,11,12 Year-Old Boys & Girls | Learning & Educational Toys
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Doctor JupiterDIY STEM Projects for Kids Age 8-10-12 Years| Engineering Toys and Building Kits for 8,9,10,11,12 Year-Old Boys & Girls | Learning & Educational Toys

Product ID: 469596131
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Let your child explore the wonders of electricity with Dr Jupiter’s innovative Electricity Circuits Kit, designed specifically for kids aged 8 to 14 years. This comprehensive kit is an exciting way to introduce children to the fascinating world of electrical circuits and empower them to become budding engineers, inventors, and problem solvers of the future. Watch as your child's eyes light up with excitement as they dive into the captivating world of electricity. By engaging in hands-on experiments, your child will develop basic concepts of electricity enhancing their problem-solving abilities, logical thinking, and creativity. It's a perfect blend of fun and learning that will keep your child engaged for hours. With over 40 easy-to-use components and step-by-step instructions, the Electricity Circuits Kit offers 8 exciting toy projects including Spaceship, Helicopter, Monster Lamp & more. They'll develop critical thinking while discovering how electricity powers the world around us. At Doctor Jupiter, safety is our utmost priority. That's why we've carefully designed our Electricity Circuits Kit with your child's safety in mind. All components are made from high-quality, non-toxic materials and are thoroughly tested to ensure their durability. The kit also includes clear and concise instructions, making it easy for young learners to follow along independently or with minimal adult supervision. Order now and let your child embark on an electrifying journey of learning, imagination, and endless possibilities!

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Very impressed with the quality and fast delivery. Will shop here again.

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Anjali K.

The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

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