What Will You Get? -- 10 counts of jungle animal cardboard cutouts; -- 1 count of tree stand centerpiece decor, which made of 2 counts of tree cardboard cutouts; -- 20 counts of half honeycomb; -- 40 counts of dot glue stickers. Totally 10 animal honeycomb centerpieces decorations and ONE tree stand after assemble. How Big Are Those Jungle Animal Honeycomb Decorations? As the picture shows, the animal cardboard cutouts are about 20 x 20 inches. A perfect size to decorate the party table, kids room. Did They Need DIY? Those jungle animal honeycomb decorations need to set up. Using these animal centerpieces for tables is rather simple, all need to do is tear off the sticker of the honeycomb centerpiece, stick on the fixed area of the card, and stick another honeycomb centerpiece on the other side of the card for a charming centerpiece then a cute and beautiful animal honeycomb decor is done. Suitable for beginners and experienced people. WIDE APPLICATIONS The cute animal honeycomb decorations are printed with many colorful wild animals like elephant, lion, monkey, giraffe, zebra, snake, hippo, ostrich, crocodile, chameleon, tropical bird and beautiful tree. These wild animal decor are widely suitable for wild one, first or second birthday decorations, jungle animal themed party, baby shower, picnics and camping, indoor outdoor celebrations and events. Also those animal decor could be decorate kids room, living room after party, making impressive and unforgettable memories.
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