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Clorox Plus Tilex Daily Shower Cleaner Spray, 32 fl oz
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Clorox Plus Tilex Daily Shower Cleaner Spray, 32 fl oz

Product ID: 460420455
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Clorox Plus Tilex Fresh Daily Shower Cleaner cleans your shower with no heavy scrubbing. This Daily Shower Cleaner has a no rinse, no wipe, and no scrub formula, so you can just spray and walk away. Prevent the build-up of soap scum, mildew stains* and hard water stains while leaving behind a fresh scent with this bleach-free spray cleaner. This cleaner is safe to use on surfaces including glazed ceramic tile, , fiberglass, and plastic. Use it daily after each shower to effortlessly and effectively clean all the bad stuff in your shower and help avoid the need to scrub down your entire shower by hand. Perfect for cleaning tubs, shower curtains, counter tops and sinks. This bottle uses Smart Tube technology to make it easy to use all the product and spray into corners and other hard-to-reach places so you can get a thorough clean. Good to the last drop, spray your way to a radiant and clean shower with Clorox Plus Tilex Fresh Daily Shower Cleaner. (*)*By forming a physical barrier SCRUB FREE SPRAY CLEANER: Clorox Plus Tilex Fresh Daily Shower Cleaner helps you spray your way to a clean and radiant shower while leaving behind a fresh scent. Just spray and walk away; Package may vary DAILY SHOWER CLEANER: Prevent the build-up of soap scum, mildew stains(*) and hard water stains with this spray shower cleaner without scrubbing, wiping or rinsing BLEACH-FREE SPRAY: This bleach-free formula is safe for use on surfaces including glazed ceramic tile, , vinyl, fiberglass, and plastic EFFORTLESS CLEANING: Shower, spray, walk away, and effortlessly and effectively clean all the bad stuff in your shower and help avoid the need to scrub down your entire shower by hand EFFECTIVE SPRAY BOTTLE: Smart Tube technology ensures all product gets used and makes it easy to spray into hard-to-reach places like corners for a more thorough clean

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Khalid Z.

Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

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Reema J.

Perfect platform for hard-to-find items. Delivery was prompt.

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