Sri Lankastore
Rose Cones Flower Petal Prerolled Cone | 4 Cones | Natural Organic Rose Petal Handrolled Cones Unrefined, Earthy, Organically Scented Rose Pre Rolled Cones Ranging in Color Shades of Vibrant Yellow
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Rose Cones Flower Petal Prerolled Cone | 4 Cones | Natural Organic Rose Petal Handrolled Cones Unrefined, Earthy, Organically Scented Rose Pre Rolled Cones Ranging in Color Shades of Vibrant Yellow

Product ID: 457983408
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Prerolled Yellow Rose PetalsRose Cones are all-natural. The beautiful organic rose petals were handpicked, cleaned with purified water and individually rolled for a cleaner. These rose petal cones are a more enhanced way of smoking. The all-natural rose petals, paper and filters are biodegradeable. Keeping up with our high eco-friendly standards. Roses products contain no harmful chemicals, pesticides, dyes, artificial flavoring, artificial colors or artificial glues so you can fully taste and enjoy what you're smoking; a slow-burning, sustainable product made for smokers by smokers. Roses is a community, and our mission is to revolutionize the smoking industry by creating the most transparent and unique smoking products available. Know what you're smoking so you can enjoy it. Show us how you bloomInstructions1. Remove the inserted paper inside of the cone 2. Grind your flower 3. Fill the rose cone up with the contents and pack lightly with our custom wooden packing tool4. Do not leave gaps or air pockets when packing 5. Light the end of the cone to enjoy a slow, even burn 6. Take in the unique and subtly sweet accents of the rose petals

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Farhan Q.

The delivery time was excellent, and the packaging was secure.

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Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

5 days ago

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