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Set of 12 Rakhi Set Indian Rakhi for for Bhaiya, Bhabhi on Indian Rakhi Rakshabandhan Festival, Rakhi Threads, Rakhi Bracelets, Rakhi for Brother, Best Gift Rakhi Bands for Brother Design 31
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Set of 12 Rakhi Set Indian Rakhi for for Bhaiya, Bhabhi on Indian Rakhi Rakshabandhan Festival, Rakhi Threads, Rakhi Bracelets, Rakhi for Brother, Best Gift Rakhi Bands for Brother Design 31

Product ID: 456359440
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Happy Raksha Bandhan Raksha Bandhan is popular traditional Indian Festival. On this day, sisters of all ages tie a talisman, or amulet, called the rakhi, around the wrists of their brothers, symbolically protecting them, receiving a gift in return, and traditionally investing the brothers with a share of the responsibility of their potential care. The festival is also called as Rakhi Poornima, Nariyal Poornima and Kajari Poornima in different states and is celebrated differently. In short, Raksha Bandhan symbolizes the unmatched bond of love, care and respect. Raksha Bandhan is a Hindu festival that celebrates the love and duty between brothers and sisters. Rakhi Set for Bhaiya, Bhabhi on Rakshabandhan Festival, Rakhi for Brother, Best gift for Brother on Indian Rakhi Rakshabandhan..Rakhi Bracelets, Rakhi threads, Rakhee,Hey Bro____Happy Raksha Bandhan People from all walks of life participate in this festival. On this occasion sister applies Tilak to the forehead of brother, tie the sacred thread called Rakhi to the wrist of their brothers. ‘Raksha Bandhan’ means ‘a bond SKIN FRIENDLY -- t is stylish and comfy and very skin friendly.Specially designed handcrafted rakhi for festive season. You can also send designer rakhis to your loving brother as a token of your love, when you found it difficult to be there with him.protection’.

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