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Ricoh GR IIIx Urban Edition, Metallic Gray Body with Navy Blue Ring, Digital Compact Camera with 24MP APS-C Size CMOS Sensor, 40mmF2.8 GR Lens (in The 35mm Format)
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Ricoh GR IIIx Urban Edition, Metallic Gray Body with Navy Blue Ring, Digital Compact Camera with 24MP APS-C Size CMOS Sensor, 40mmF2.8 GR Lens (in The 35mm Format)

Product ID: 453295537
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Features of RICOH GR IIIx Urban Edition *Inspired by street photographers who are in their element on the asphalt pavement,the metallic gray body has a unique texture created through repeated and complex painting processes. It’s smooth but enables excellent grip, a combination of design and functionality. *The navy blue ring cap is specially designed to evoke the impression of an azure sky reflected in a puddle after a rain,or neon lights of a city that never sleeps and their reflections. *When the power is turned off, the Urban Edition features a special power-off graphic with a street-like background and special logo. *Various new functions have been added, 1. A new exposure mode, “Snap Distance Priority Mode” has been added. By setting the snapshot distance and depth of field (DOF) in advance, you can instantly recall the setting. DOF3, in particular, sets the f-stop so that the depth of field is close to pan-focus, allowing you to enjoy faster shooting. 2. “Auto-area AF (Center)” has been added to the the Focus. Auto-area AF works around the center of the frame (9 areas) instead of the entire frame. This prevents the camera from focusing on unintended areas such as the ground in front of you, allowing you more control of your street snaps. 3. “Enable AF” has been added to the Shutter Button Setting. It is now possible, when the shutter button is pressed halfway, only the AF is locked without locking the AE. 4. “3.5m” has been added to the Snap Focus Distance. 5. Long tapping on the playback screen can now recall the Playback Settings.

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Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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I loved the variety of products available. Will definitely shop again.

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TrustScore 4.5 | 7,300+ reviews

Ali H.

Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

1 day ago

Rajesh P.

Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

2 days ago