Sri Lankastore
Golden Shining 55 PCS Game Cards including Vmax GX EX V Series Charizard Cards
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Golden Shining 55 PCS Game Cards including Vmax GX EX V Series Charizard Cards

Product ID: 442054934
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Card MaterialThe golden foil cards are constructed from PVC (strong plastic) material and are bendable. Kids will be excited when you give this card as a giftThe Aim of The GameThe Pokemon card game aims to win your battle. You do this by knocking out all your opponent’s Pokemon cards.Energy Cards These cards are what your Pokemon use to attackTrainer CardsThese cards generally provide support in some way. Some examples of their effects include being able to sort through your deck, swap Pokemon around, and much more.Item Cards Item cards are generally used to power up or heal your PokemonRule to Play PokemonEach player has to divide the total cards which consist of a few Pokemon cards, energy cards, item cards, and trainer cards.Start the gameBoth players can place one basic Pokemon card facedown as their active Pokemon, plus up to five more basic Pokemon on their bench. If you don't have any basic Pokemon cards in your hand after drawing your initial hand of seven cards, reveal your hand to your opponent and draw seven more hands. You can repeat this as many times as you want until you have at least one basic Pokemon - but your opponent gets to draw one extra card for every time you do.

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Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

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Anita G.

Good experience, but the tracking updates could be better.

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