About the Author ---------------- Silas Kyler is an Arizona native and resides in Tempe, Arizona, with his wife and three young children. Having graduated from Scottsdale Community College with an associate’s degree in film production, Silas has always had an interest in telling stories through film and took inspiration from what people were doing with urban lumber for Felled his first feature length documentary. For as long as he can remember, Silas has enjoyed building things with his hands. Woodworking has been a hobby of his throughout his adult life, and his passion for urban lumber was a driving force behind his book The Art and Craft of Wood. David Hildreth is a filmmaker who lives in Tempe, Arizona, with his wife and daughter. After film school David worked on concert films and advertising seen around the world, all the while looking for stories to tell in documentary films of his own. After learning about the fate of many trees that blow down in monsoon storms and the passion with which people are using them for art, he knew he had found the subject for his feature length directorial debut. His passion for woodworking grows with each new person he tells about the growing urban lumber movement. Read more ( javascript:void(0) )