Sri Lankastore
4 x Water Filter Compatible with DeLonghi Fully Automatic Coffee Machines Autentica ECAM23 Dedica Dinamica Eletta ESAM6720 Maestosa Perfecta PrimaDonna Magnifica S, Equivalent to DLSC002 (14465)
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4 x Water Filter Compatible with DeLonghi Fully Automatic Coffee Machines Autentica ECAM23 Dedica Dinamica Eletta ESAM6720 Maestosa Perfecta PrimaDonna Magnifica S, Equivalent to DLSC002 (14465)

Product ID: 398718262
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## What is the advantage of use?# Impurities are filtered out of the water and thus increase the water and coffee quality. The life of your machine is extended by less shrinkage of calcium carbonate (limescale). How does the water filter work? Activated carbon made of coconut fibres ensures filtration of the water and filters heavy metals, chlorine and impurities. High-quality ion exchanger resin binds calcium carbonates from drinking water and thus reduces the limescale content of the water. Instructions for use: please change water filter every 3 months. Remove the new filter from the packaging and flood with drinking water and rinse through. Drain the water tank, remove the old filter and refill the water tank in half. Insert the new water filter into the slot in the water tank and fix it with the lid so that the filter cannot escape. Please note: The water tank cap is essential for positioning the water filter.

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