Sri Lankastore
Chinese Herb Moxa Stick - Moxibustion Artemisia Wormwood Natural Herbal, Pure Moxa Rolls for Mild Moxibustion, Mugwort Stick Moxibution, Pure Handmade Rolls Mugwort, Moxa Sticks
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Chinese Herb Moxa Stick - Moxibustion Artemisia Wormwood Natural Herbal, Pure Moxa Rolls for Mild Moxibustion, Mugwort Stick Moxibution, Pure Handmade Rolls Mugwort, Moxa Sticks

Product ID: 392853950
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What?s Moxibustion It?s one of the unique health care methods in China, It can not only be used for strengthening the body , but also for the rehabilitation and maintenance of people with long phystcal deficiency, the smoke produced by burning moxa stick can also be keep healthy.moxa are Smoke-free, Scald-proof, Penetrative, Washable & durable, Portable & compact. The benefits of moxibustion: 1. To reconcile the yin and yang. The balance of yin and yang is the foundation of disease occurrence and development.Using the diarrhea function of moxibustion therapy to reach the effect of reconciling yin and yang. 2.Warming and dredging meridian to dispelling cold. Moxibustion can warm meridians, dispell cold, contion qi and blood,and relieve rheumatism. 3. Promoting qi to activate blood, dispersing and removing stasis. Qi reaches heat will circulating. Temperature rises, the blood flow.It can coordinate qi and blood. 4. Warming yang and tonify deficiency, tonifying middle-jiao and qi. 5. Restoring yang from collapse. 6. Disease prevention and health care. Improve health and promote longevity. The effect of moxibustion therapy in many ways. Such as different acupoints, moxibustion, moxibustion or stimulation of different materials used are different, which have different functions. Usage: Burn and iron in the body surface acupoints and diseased parts after ignition . with the help of it?s warm transmit . through the circulation of the meridians to warn the body .Swelling and tangling will be alleviated after moxibustion.

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