Shudh Online Organic Reetha Powder is a natural powder that provides all sorts of care required by your delicate strands of hair. Reetha extract powder has been considered the perfect companion for hair since ages and Reetha for hair is a perfect key to get great, attractive hair naturally. It is also known as Kunkudukai powder for hair wash, Reetha powder for hair growth, Ritha powder, Aritha powder. Soapnut powder for hair, Rita powder, Reeta powder, Kunkudukaya chettu, Antuvala kayi, Pannankottai, Cavakkay, Funaake, Rakhtbeejin. Shudh Online products are selectively sourced, with great emphasis on purity and authenticity and are 100% natural ayurvedic products. We don't add any preservatives or additives in the product and using our product will get you closure to nature.