Sri Lankastore
Brown Balloon Garland Kit Arch Light Jungle Cream Baby Shower Decorations Neutral Wild Safari Teddy Bear Tan Nude Double Stuffed Peach Blush Different Sizes Coffee Wedding Wild Themes
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Brown Balloon Garland Kit Arch Light Jungle Cream Baby Shower Decorations Neutral Wild Safari Teddy Bear Tan Nude Double Stuffed Peach Blush Different Sizes Coffee Wedding Wild Themes

Product ID: 331794348
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Color:18 Brown Cream Balloon Garland Perfect for: Baby shower backdrop, birthday party, weddings photo booth props, bachelorette party, bridal shower, kids bedroom, engagement party, gender reveal party,festivals celebration, photo booth backdrop and more. How to make balloon garland? Step 1: Blow up some balloons with balloon pump then tie knots, recommend various colors and blow up different sizes to get a amazing look to your garland. Step 2: Measure and cut balloon strip to desired length, leave extra on each end for hang the decoration later. Step 3: Pull the balloon knot through the strip hole, skip a hole if balloons are too tight. Step 4: Make more gorgeous looking, add some eucalyptus, curling ribbon, flowers, leaves, tulle and more. Please Note! There are measured manually with deviation at 1-5pcs, please kindly understand. Some images shown here is indicative only. If there is a little inconsistency between the image and the actual product, the actual product shall govern. If you want your confetti in the balloons to stick to the balloon try this way: take a straw and dropped a couple droplets of water, rubbed it around and then blew it up,or simply rub a rag on the balloon or any item that can cause friction. The balloon garland is 16 feet from one end to the other,It’s a plastic tape that you mount the balloons onto and then place it against the wall with some support. I used string and tape to get it to stay where I wanted it.It is a long stipe that is bendable to the shape you want. It is really cool.

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