Control your lights and appliances with a simple tap or by asking Siri. Or effortlessly set up schedules that put your appliances on autopilot, turning your floor lamps, dehumidifier and many other devices on and off independently of your iPhone or internet connection. With HomePod, HomePod mini, or Apple TV as your home hub, you can also access your accessories on the go, control them automatically based on whether somebody is leaving or arriving home, and add automations that work with other HomeKit-enabled accessories. Eve Energy lets you keep watch the energy your accessories are consuming and shows you how much they’re going to cost based on your entered electricity rate. Eve Energy supports Bluetooth and Thread, and joins your Thread network automatically. As a router node, Eve Energy relays other Thread accessories’ data packages and enhances the stability and reach of your smart home. Equipped with Apple HomeKit technology and UL certification, Eve Energy offers outstanding ease of use and advanced security. Eve Energy is quick & easy to set up, and you don’t need a bridge. And the best thing about all Eve accessories is how they protect your privacy: Eve does not harvest your personal data and there is no Eve cloud, so your data won’t get exposed. Local intelligence means all the processing is done locally and Eve accessories communicate directly with your iPhone, iPad, or home hub without any cloud dependency or bridge.