Sri Lankastore
Touch Nature Citronella Essential Oil Scented Aromatherapy Fragrant Yellow Handmade Soy Wax and Beeswax Jar Candles. Hand Poured Rustic Home Décor Jar Candle.
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Touch Nature Citronella Essential Oil Scented Aromatherapy Fragrant Yellow Handmade Soy Wax and Beeswax Jar Candles. Hand Poured Rustic Home Décor Jar Candle.

Product ID: 294891810
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TOUCH NATURE PILLAR CANDLES are HAND POURED - Lovingly in small batches to ensure high quality! ECO FRIENDLY - The candles are made from soy wax and beeswax, which are absolutely safe to health, house and habitat. Soy wax has a longer burn time compared to it's commonly used paraffin counterpart, is easy to clean when spilled and produces minimum soot - with no toxins, carcinogens or pollutants. Furthermore, beeswax helps purify the environment by releasing negative ions in the atmosphere that negates the ion positive pollen, dust and pollutants. It has the longest burn time, produces the minimum soot and does not spill. The jars can be reused after the candle is over. HOME DECOR and GIFT - Even when not burned, it will make a beautiful show piece or a lovely decor. It can also be used as a room fragrance. Further, it makes for an excellent gift for all occasions. About This Product: - Citronella Essential Oil Scented Jar Candle - Lead-free 100% Cotton Wick, non-toxic - Indoor / Outdoor Use - Soy wax and Beeswax used - Net Weight of Wax:- 100gm - Home Candle Décor - Bedroom, Kitchen, Living Room, Porch - Giftings - Spa's or Bath Candle About Touch Nature:Touch Nature is a social enterprise and freedom business for women based in India that shows women a way out with employment opportunities through our natural soaps and candles. Since poverty is one of the root causes of the flesh trade, we want to fight this evil at its root level by training and providing jobs for women. We hope to make our business sustainable by giving customers what they need - a product that is organic, eco-friendly and unique. Touch Nature is a beacon in a dark world and we hope to continue to provide hope and future to more who are trapped in the darkness. So by buying our products, you can BE part of our restoring movement. Thank you for shining with us.

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