Cutie Mark crew playsets combine the worlds of My Little Pony and equestrian Girls to imagine a universe of play and friendships beyond the mirror's portal. This confetti party countdown pack includes 8 figures, 7 of which are hidden behind balloon-shaped packaging. Get the party started by revealing the mystery character and accessory behind each confetti-filled balloon-shaped doors. Balloon shapes are numbered 1-7 so kids can countdown to their birthday, a special event, or just 7 days of surprises! Comes with 8 1.5-Inch pony figures, including Pinkie Pie pony with exclusive rainbow-colored hair. Some mystery figures have fun ombre colors or rainbow highlights in their hair! Each figure comes with a mini fashion accessory in a matching color. Line up the ponies and accessories to create a rainbow party. Features 14 surprises and 7 multi-layered unboxing experiences! Toy is for kids ages 4 years old and up. my little pony and all related characters are trademarks of Hasbro.