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ATOZ BOX3M Clear Car Paint Protection Film Wraps for California HOV Carpool Access OK Sticker Clean Air Vehicle Tesla Model S, 3, X, Y, Bolt, Kona, NIRO, Leaf, Ioniq, BMW i3, etc. (8 Pack)
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ATOZ BOX3M Clear Car Paint Protection Film Wraps for California HOV Carpool Access OK Sticker Clean Air Vehicle Tesla Model S, 3, X, Y, Bolt, Kona, NIRO, Leaf, Ioniq, BMW i3, etc. (8 Pack)

Product ID: 257048514
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Size:8 Pack When the HOV sticker is removed from your car, it can leave a stubborn residue. When attempting to remove the residue, it is possible to damage the paint surface of your car. The protection film creates a barrier between your car’s paint surface and HOV sticker. The protection film is made of high quality 3M Clear Protection Film, which has excellent adhesivity, and yet is easy to remove. Applying the film on the undersurface of the HOV sticker can save your car’s exterior from the stubborn residue left by the removal of the HOV sticker. Installation Instructions: Apply the HOV sticker onto the decal of correct size. Please keep in mind that the decals have been cut slightly larger than the HOV stickers to allow for ease of application. Wipe the surface of the door handle and area above with a clean, soft cloth. Apply decal to designated area of car as instructed by Department of Motor Vehicles. In order to avoid air bubbles, add approximately 5 drops of dishwash soap to a cup of warm water. Take a clean cloth and dip in the liquid. Wet the area of application. Peel the decal from the sheet and apply to the area of choice. Adjust the sticker for proper placement of the sticker and take a credit card to smooth area with air bubbles. Take a dry cloth to remove all remaining liquid and allow to dry for approximately 6 hours.

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