Sri Lankastore
SMUSTY Women Anime Cosplay Wigs 100cm 39.4inch Long Straight Synthetic Full Rose Network Lace Wigs for Women( Black )
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SMUSTY Women Anime Cosplay Wigs 100cm 39.4inch Long Straight Synthetic Full Rose Network Lace Wigs for Women( Black )

Product ID: 22615259
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Material: Heat Resistant Synthetic Hair Texture: Straight Hair Style: Anime Cosplay Wigs May: Can be Dyed and Cut. Color: many color u pick Wig Length: 39.4inch /100cm Wig Weight: 400g les by hairpins. Long hair can be braided. 3: Wear wig cap from bottom to top. Put in wig cap, keep wig evenly distribute around the entrance. Close wig at the back of your head. So you don't have too much hair at your top of the head, can make wig more naturally. 4: Fix cap by hairpiece on closure. If you have intense activities, you can place the clip around the hairline. If your hair is long, you can twist the braid into a bun, then wear cap. 5: Holding wig temples to your hair temples, adjust wig location;make the details to keep your wig well dressed. 6: Use your hand and comb to make hairstyle. Note, if wig is curly, do it by your hand. Wig Clean 1: Smooth your wig with a loose comb, if your wig is curly; smooth your wig by your hand. 2: Prepare cleaning tools, a basin of water and a piece of shampoo for wigs. 3: Turn inside out, the network inside come out. 4: Put wig into water, Press it gently with your hand and get completely soaked. 5: Take out moderate wig shampoo on your hands. 6: Wash wig with shampoo gently for 2~3 minutes. 7: Do not rub or knead the wig vigorously. 8: Pick wig up, change a basin of clean water. 9: Put wig into clean water, get it clean by few times cleaning. 10: Hold wig to make sure to remove excess water. 11: Put wig on dry towel to remove excess water. 12: Put wig on wig stand, put on well ventilated location to dry by nature air.

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