"Boost children’s vocabulary and language skills with a full Teacher's Guide featuring multisensory lessons, Word Cards, and Squawker the parrot. Word Time lessons teach oral language, vocabulary, and other early literacy skills. Children learn to speak in complete sentences with verbs, adjectives, and nouns. Includes: 220 laminated Word Cards, Teacher's Guide, and Squawker, the parrot puppet. Learning Without Tears is an education company that offers a unique approach to teaching and learning, from crucial readiness skills in Pre-K to foundational writing skills in elementary school. Our programs support learners and teachers with engaging, effective products and instruction. The Handwriting Without Tears K–5 curriculum is a proven success in making handwriting easy to teach and easy to learn. This research-based curriculum features developmentally appropriate, multisensory tools and unique teaching strategies that address diverse learning styles, ensuring all children succeed."