Sri Lankastore
Royal Rougui Wuyi Tea Leaves - Gourmet Oolong Teas - 2 Ounces
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Royal Rougui Wuyi Tea Leaves - Gourmet Oolong Teas - 2 Ounces

Product ID: 21327047
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Because the Art of Tea is about Good Taste! You deserve a moment to relax with a warm cup of tea just for yourself, or if you wish to share it with your family and friends! Take the time to prepare your taste buds for this exquisite blend, hand picked and perfectly prepared for you to enjoy! Royal Rougui Wuyi, like all our Royal Wuyi Rock teas, originates from the Jiulongchao area of the Wuyi mountains of Fujian province. Each vintage tea in the collection is a sample of the finest and most desirable teas China has to offer. The aftertaste of each is long and strong, the sign of a superior tea. The recommended local practice in China for brewing the leaves is a bit more intense than the traditional gongfu method: use 5-10 grams of dry leaf for every 3-4 oz of water. Brew in either a guywan or a small teapot. Steep the first time for 20 seconds, and each additional steep at 10 seconds. Leaves can be used for 4 or 5 brews.<Brewing Tips: Tea Type - Steeping Time - Water TemperatureGreen/White - 1-4 Minutes - Steaming (150-180 F) Oolong - 1-3 Minutes - Light Boil (165-190 F) Pu-erh - 2-10 Minutes - Rolling Boil Black - 2-5 Minutes - Rolling BoilPlease visit the generation tea website for more available types of tea and tea brewing accessories! Enjoy your tea!

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