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Yoga Made Simple - For a fitter healthier you - 4 workouts for Beginners & Improvers- by TV Sports Presenter Alexandra Legouix - Fit For Life Series [DVD] [2019]
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Yoga Made Simple - For a fitter healthier you - 4 workouts for Beginners & Improvers- by TV Sports Presenter Alexandra Legouix - Fit For Life Series [DVD] [2019]

Product ID: 175990942
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Synopsis:Hey I'm Alex. Welcome to my 'Yoga Made Simple - For a fitter healthier you - 4 workouts for Beginners & Improvers'.The program is divided in to four workouts that can be done in any order and at any time of day. We live in a really stressful world, but everyone has really opened up to how much mindfulness and meditation can help manage these stresses so I have included a 'Mindful Meditation' section that will calm you, relax your mind, and clear away some brain clutter.I have also added in a 'Yin Yoga' section. This form of practice is so good for building self-control and again, really encourages a calming of the mind and body. It also has so many proven health benefits: the deep stretch element of it is a must for us all, but at the same time it will equally encourage better body form and tone. To help develop your toning I have included a 'Yoga Tone' section which is very effective. Also included is an 'Energising Flow' workout which incorporates some of my favourite yoga movements to help invigorate you and strengthen your body and mind.Whatever level you are at, whether you're brand new to yoga, or you just want to focus on more self-care, this workout should contain everything you need.I hope you really enjoy your practice. You will reap the benefits and see great changes in your body and mind. Grab a mat, and let's begin... NamasteAlexandra Profile:Her work as a TV presenter (Live reporter of World Touring Car Cup; World Rally Championship) took her all around the world so she began to explore different styles of yoga and learnt from many fantastic teachers globally. In 2015 Alexandra went to India and trained at a renowned ashram gaining her yoga teaching qualifications. Since then Alexandra has taught in various ashrams and yoga centres around the world and has built up a great reputation as a wonderful teacher. Alex is also a founder of thriving yoga company (for more information please visit 'konasana-uk website') @konasanadome

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