Join the search for the missing ClueFinders in the underground empire ofthe Plant People. A mighty army of mutant plant warriors threatens to takeover the town. It's up to you to use your head to solve the mysteryand save the town from destruction. From cleaning up deadly pollutants tobuilding bridges, each activity is designed to build sixth grade skills inmath, language arts, science, social studies, and problem solving. Workyour way through four levels that increase in difficulty to match your growingskills, and take advantage of detailed help features when a particularlytough challenge slows you down. There's also a Real World Adventure Kit included in the program that allows you to create cool maps to guide your friends on treasure hunts. There's a logbook and calendar to plan activities, keep on schedule, and record your daily thoughts and achievements. You can create, encode, and print top-secret messages with the encoder/decoder, then help yourfriends decode them.