Sri Lankastore
IRIS USA Fits 12" x 12" Paper, 3-Tier Scrapbook Storage Unit with Organizer Top, for Building Blocks Lego Papers Tools Office Art and Craft Supplies, Desktop Organizer, Built in Handle, Black/Clear
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IRIS USA Fits 12" x 12" Paper, 3-Tier Scrapbook Storage Unit with Organizer Top, for Building Blocks Lego Papers Tools Office Art and Craft Supplies, Desktop Organizer, Built in Handle, Black/Clear

Product ID: 524907177
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The IRIS USA scrapbook storage unit comes with (3) spacious scrapbook cases and provides exclusively unique storage solutions to help your desktop and personal items stay organized into one place; accommodates 12" x 12" decorative papers, vinyl, tools, art supplies, stationery, photos, notebooks and upgrades your workstation nice and neat. A solid-built organizer top lid allows you to store various frequently used items such as pens, paper clips, sticky notes, scissors, staplers, keys, accessories and even remote controller, also this can be used for storing beads, crafting, cardstock, cables, decorations, washi tapes (20 - 30 rolls per case), beauty supplies such as lip gloss / nail polish bottles and anything you need; the usage is more than just for scrapbooking! Each case is highly functional and portable so that these can be removed for your on-the-go projects, and rounded corners protect contents from damage; double-latched cases securely protect from house dust for extra peace of mind. Also, great for craft rooms, classrooms, home office and even garages. The weight capacity is 20 lbs for the entire unit including the organizer top. Made in USA with global materials. BPA Free. Acid Free.

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Sneha T.

Received my product in pristine condition. Great service overall.

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Khalid Z.

Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

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Good experience, but the tracking updates could be better.

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