Sri Lankastore
DEMCiflex Computer Dust Filter, Standard 140mm Square, Black Frame, Black Mesh
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DEMCiflex Computer Dust Filter, Standard 140mm Square, Black Frame, Black Mesh

Product ID: 14780706
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Dust is by far the main cause of PC and other electronic hardware malfunctions and failures as it has been proved to be the cause of more than 70% of all hardware performance issues. The easiest way to stop the continuous buildup of dust and to keep your computer working at its peak, is by keeping the dust out in the first place with DEMCiflex Computer Dust Filters. You do not need any tools, screws, glue or even special skills to do this as DEMCiflex PC Dust Filters fits to the outside of your computer case by a built-in magnetic frame that will keep the filter securely in place. It will stop dust from entering the case without affecting the airflow adversely, so heat can dissipate freely from clean components and allow your system to perform at its best all the time. The filter material used in DEMCiflex Computer and Electronic Dust is a high precision medical grade synthetic mesh. The openings in the mesh are all exactly the same size to ensure that all particles of a certain size and bigger, are kept out. The mesh is extremely durable and can be washed with water and soap if it becomes dirty over time. DEMCiflex filters are available in a wide variety of standard and non-standard shapes, sizes, and colors. Note: Standard filters sizes are characterized by Inner Dimension (ID) and Outer Dimension (OD). Model: DF0005

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