Deep in the Hatchtopian Sea is a magical world filled with color-changing Mermals, Clownfish and more adorable friends! Hatch and discover them inside the 12-Pack Egg Carton! Lift the glittery blue lid and find 10 seashell-shaped eggs and two out-of-egg Clownfish! These exclusive Clownfish are ready to swim right out of the Egg Carton! Dip them into warm water to reveal their magical color change! What color will your Clownfish turn? To start hatching, hold one seashell-shaped egg in the palm of your hand rub the purple heart until it turns pink. Gently press down to crack the shell and meet your Hatchimal! Discover Mermals (half-Hatchimal, half-mermaid) or characters from Racing River, Sunshine Surf and more! Once you’ve hatched your adorable new characters, dip them into warm water to see them change color, then place them back in their nests and use the egg carton display and play with your Hatchimals! To bring them with you, just close the lid and hatch on the go! Splash into fun with the Hatchimals CollEGGtibles 12-Pack Egg Carton!
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