The Neon Red Crayfish's brilliant coloring is sure to make it the centerpiece of your aquarium! Though crayfish are reclusive by nature, this particular species is very active by comparison and spends plenty of time climbing around the aquarium ground. It will eat most any meaty or plant-based foods, and it should not be kept with live plants, as it will eat them at a fast rate. They generally leave Marimo Moss Balls alone. You may want to use aquarium gloves when handling this animal or clearing the tank. As it reaches adulthood, a crayfish may become aggressive towards other animals in the tank. It is important to provide hiding places such as PVC pipes or decorations. This is even more crucial when housing multiple crayfish in one tank. Large crayfish require an aquarium filter, essential to keep the water clear and tank walls free of dirt and biofilm (a magnet scraper, such as a Mag Float aka Magfloat glass clearer, can also do wonders for glass or acrylic aquarium walls). A regular water change is vital to a crayfish's health. Other bottom-dwelling animals should be avoided. Crayfish will typically eat whatever they can catch, but since they are slow moving, they are not often able to harm small, fast-swimming fish (suchas Rasboras, Platies, Gourami, etc.). This set is for a breeding pair of crayfish. An aquarium divider may be necessary to separate the parents from the babies at a certain stage in their development. The internet has plenty of comprehensive information on successful DIY breeding of Procambarus crayfish, so please do research for best results!CARE GUIDELINES:- Temperature: 65°- 76° F (18° - 24° C)- pH: 6.5 - 7.5- KH: 6 - 15 dKH- Minimum tank size: 30 gallons- Average adult size: 4 - 5 inches (10 - 12.7 cm) body length minus claws - Average purchase size: 2 - 3 inches (5 - 7.6 cm)
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